Don't cry (Milk Inc.)

Los belgas Milk Inc, es un grupo de la escena electrónica que me sorprende por dos motivos.

El primero es que tienen una larga trayectoria en el tiempo, al menos considerando lo que se estila en el género en el género, pero sin perder un ápice de su esencia inicial.

El segundo motivo, es la profundidad, y melancolía de la mayoría de sus letras. Algo extraño si nos referimos al dance.

Como muestra, aquí os pongo la transcripción de Don't cry

Don't cry
Don't cry, you're not alone.
Don't cry, you've got a home.
They're not worth your tears
They're not worth these years
Don't cry, you're not alone.
Don't cry, you've got a home.
They're not worth your tears
They're not worth these years

Just a kiss goodnight is enough to fight your scary dreams away.
And a kiss goodbye is enough to keep you warm when I can't stay.

Don't cry, cause I'll be there.
Don't cry, you'll get nowhere
Lift your head up high,
Give it another try
Don't cry, cause I'll be there.
Don't cry, you'll get nowhere
Lift your head up high,
Give it another try

So don't cry… you're strong enough.
Don't cry, although it's tough.
I know that you'll get by
I know that you'll get by
So don't cry… you're strong enough.
Don't cry, although it's tough.
I know that you'll get by
I know that you'll get by

Don't cry (Milk Inc.)

En GoEar tenéis la suave y emotiva versión vocal, grabada con ocasión del MTV Unplugged de 2004.

Como comparativa, os dejo la versión original incluída en el álbum Land of the living, del más puro estilo electro.

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